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Writer's picture Sophialina Baldock owner

Jehovian Seals explained

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

I found out about the J-seals many years ago but my feelings were somewhat conflicting as I recall. When I first heard about them I knew they were there i could actually feel them. About 6 months ago i remember feeling them coming into my energy system as i was pushed down the birth canal. Weird right? not as much as we think. Our memories from different periods are often not accessible because our minds are so busy with mental activity. So my human aspect was sent into this state of mind bending and it did not go well. What do you mean if i remove these does that mean i am suck in this body forever? Don't misunderstand this was not fear it was a failure or choice to not over stand something. The lack of that caused more confusions I simply said no not until i have more information. That was 2.5 years ago I clearly was not ready to process it as of yet. Moving towards last week I just knew it was time as i could feel these things just causing itching within my system. I found someone who i knew would go about it in a safe way and so it was a moments choice to remove them and all aligned perfectly. I cant speak for everyone else on how your healing process will go mine was huge with downloads and opening up my abilities. when i felt anything come up i was able to stay detached and move through the healing easily. I have always done major work on myself for years some of my darkest moments came and i always learned to be true to my self. No one can say how this can go for you as you are the only one that can. As we are all unique beings. I will express my own healing process once i explain what the jehovian seals are.

Firstly, the name of this article entry is inaccurate. The reason for that, is because the “seals” are not called “Jehovian” Seals. They are called the Seals of Azazel. During the time that the angel/human hybrids called Nephilim had started to try to take back control of the earth, they needed a way to put humanity into check. As it said in the  garden of Eden, “man has reached access to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, let us bar him from reaching the tree of everlasting life. This way they cannot live forever and reap corruption infinitely”.  The Creators did not want mankind to have an everlasting status because they had foreseen that humans would use this power for corruption and defy the gods. So in and around the same time that Enoch was living, they took him out of body to emerge into the Metatron, in order to find the secrets of their father creator and to use them in order to make barriers and restrictions. That’s the meaning of “Metatron”, it means boundaries. Enoch being the reincarnation of the Lesser God responsible for the creation of barriers, only had access to this. It was known by those of corruptibility, and so they sent him into the matrix. After gaining the information that they needed, the demigods took his codes and began to seal up humanity’s tunnel of white which connected to either higher self, also known as the “fountain of youth”, the forever raining energy from the heavens. Higher self is also referred to as the “fountain of youth” because in being open in connection to them, mankind would know things that would make it harder to have to abide by the laws of the 3-D world. They did not want them to be higher in spiritual knowledge which could cause them to live forever, and not experience sickness. The higher self depending on your own and their unique vibe and origin, could hold great wisdom from higher planes. This would not be acceptable to those grounding the reality and its inhabitants into 3D. By Allura Cein full article is I would like to mention here at this moment that our souls are limitless that no thing can completely make it feasible to such a degree that we are unable to get some of our universal knowledge, Which is why you are seeing many half truths. The Azazel seals as they are truly called are also referenced in the book of Revelations, as the 7 symbolic seals that secure the scroll that John of Pamos saw in his vision. When this scroll was opened it was the called the second coming of christ. In reality though this is the coming of Christ Consciousness. Which I knew i was already opened to and perhaps you are as well. The removal will assist you with opening up your clarity with the universal knowledge you carry within. This also symbolizes a soul genetic connection to the Annunaki and desires to release this contract. Our bodies and earth are built the same way energetically and we are directly connected to earth. Knowledge of 15th dimensional anatomy, the 12 strand dna template, Kathara grid, chakras, meridians, axiatonal lines, star and seed crystal seed seals can help to lessen questions about these seals. Since these seals are in the earths grids we inherit them into our own grids. Everyone has them on their axiatonal line on the left side. They look like plugs and cause many different issues within our bodies. ~ reduction of life span ~ Brain functions ~ Spiritual awareness These cause many different emotional problems which is why since these are coming online and opening since 2001 this is why we are seeing an increase of mental issues and more individuals with body issues. Animals even have these seals as well plants ect. As we are all connected to the earths grid. So if anyone pokes a hole in one of he earths grids or spell work that is why we feel it. It directly affects us all. We all get these at birth which is why i said earlier i felt them being implanted in the birth canal i have that memory imprint of it. These seals can affect your ascension and your body. I would like to bring awareness to this stuff as I am literally blown away by the difference i has done for me in such a short time. What may happen once you have them removed are ~ a more balanced feeling within your energy system ~ heightened emotional releases ~ more clarity on your own emotional imprinting for an easier release ~ Heightened visions and clarity ~ deeper access to akashic records and cosmic abilities ~ downloads or DNA activations ~ clarity with your connection with your higher self My Experience It has been a little less then a week ive had lots of difference. Less negative chattering a higher ability to connect with higher dimensions clearer. I knew prior i had something clogging or preventing me to fully get information would you over stand? I often discussed with many that i felt so expanded but not all at the same time. I was told often to step into my power which left me feeling scolded that i wasn't....BUT i was ....once i was told to stop being afraid....again i knew that it was not fear. I am sharing this because many of you can relate to the critical responses you feel your doing a good job and then nope. I couldnt believe it ....i don't want to be like that ever. There is a huge difference with being loving and assisting and not you will see intentions. I feel this was one reason i waited so long to remove these. the healing process was interesting i basically had to not tap in stay grounded and hydrate. no biggie i can do this for 72 hours lol.....ya ummm right 😂. I would get downloaded or energy tickles if i even talked to anyone wild.... What i felt shift for me Clarity connection to higher dimensions and clarity expansion on my abilities easier trauma imprints releasing no emotional purging but a huge balancing and peaceful vibe more synchronicity my guides and the practitioners guides they scooped out a lot in my head. i felt hem remove hooks, old codes and activate inactive synapse clusters. I feel so so much lighter and less like i am hooked to a system of pain. if i could say one thing it is you choose when is the right time for you. Do feel this out because like me you may have some inactive but others are. love to each one Sophialina any pieces of this blog that i have used are credited to original author. ©intuitiveregenerativewellness 2021

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