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Intune Glossary 

Terms used in blogs or in any of our posts, and write-ups to assist you in innerstanding of terms.

all information provided comes from keylontic science or from the Webster dictionary and is only meant for study purposes. some of the info can be seen as theoretical in nature.


Ascension~ It is a spiritual process and a scientific concept all at the same time. The process of simply going "up"

the dimensional scale by raising the particle pulsation rhythm of your body. It's holy because that is what the concept of spiritual evolution is really about. As you pull in more at-one-ment with your god/source


Axi A Tonal Lines~ are the points where rotating single-axis "flash-line sequence" transmission lines form from the embodied 

seed crystal seals cross over and through each other to form 12 primary vertical flow lines in the body.


Binary Codes~ we each have billions of these in our systems created by biophotonic atoms. 


Bio-regenesis ~ A term that refers to a set of Technologies and tools that assist us in accelerating our expansion of consciousness through the natural, gentle stimulation of the personal DNA  template, kundalini energies, Chakras, and Merkaba vehicle. it is built upon the foundations of Keylontic Morphogenetic science and advanced scalar mechanics, as understood by races of higher evolution and taught as "common knowledge" within the ascension schools of

pre-ancient advanced human culture as utilized as standard practice. 


Consciousness ~ Your awareness of everything within you and around you. it is energy and all energy is conscious


Death~ molecular compaction, monatic reversal is the reason we die. This is the ultimate cause behind every single malady,

as far as health. Due to our shield reveals and thus the inability of the shields and DNA, and therefore the body to be able to receive and synthesize naturally the normal currents from the soul.


Dimension~ are fixed groupings of energy within a specific, geometrically arranged form, built upon crystalized, conscious units, of sound called the Morphogenetic fields (MF) or manifestation template.


Disease~ all conditions of disease, conflict, pain, anguish, and suffering are direct results and manifestation of vibrational dissonance of individual consciousness with the God mind


DNA ~ etymology deoxyribonucleic acid  any of various nucleic acids that are usually the basis of the molecular basis

of heredity, are localized especially in cell nuclei and are constructed of a double helix held together by hydrogen bonds between purine and pyrimidine bases which project inward from two chains containing alternate links of deoxyribose

and phosphate.


Energy Matrix ~ the first individuated manifestation of a reality field, in the primal order of cosmic structure that emerges from source as an inaudible vibration field composed of mixed units of primal substance, which collectively form 

from the three primal eternal primal sound fields and their primal tonal-vibration life force currents.


Higher self ~ Family tree of consciousness. A projection of you or exertion with a higher frequency. 


Indigo Child~ this term refers to the frequencies of the 6th-dimensional wave band, the indigo wavelength of the 

15-dimensional spectrum. They are indeed a "new breed" of children because they represent a "new breed" of consciousness

now entering incarnation within our time.  These beings are born with 6th DNA strand template of their 24-48 strand DNA template activated at birth.


Innate ~ originating in or derived from the mind or the constitution of the intellect rather than from experience. It is inner wisdom.


Kathara grid~ The word Kathara refers to the core structure of the morphogenetic fields, holographic templates, of

sound-light and scalar waves that serve as the blueprints on which matter manifests.

KA- Light, THA-sound, RA-one  (please see blog for a more in-depth write-up)


Law of one~ is an energy reality, a conscious focus of knowing that "I am all and we are one". all beings exist intrinsically 

within and of the one-source. it acknowledges the value, interconnection, and interdependence of all components of reality and the living God-source or spirit alive within all things.


Merkaba~ a set of counter-rotating of electromagnetic energy spirals ( please see blog post for a more in-depth look)


Miasums~ Frozen light. an influence or atmosphere that tends to deplete or corrupt. From Greek: defilement( to make unclean or impure: as a : to corrupt the purity or perfection of) 


Observation~ A view from many different points. Ability to see without judgment and a zero point.


Perception~ A view from a singular angle. You as an individual can perceive if something is right for you or not.


Quantum~ is the minimum amount of any physical entity (physical property) involved in an interaction. For example, Quantum energy just is there is no physical entanglement it is all simply done with energy. 


Source/God~ The eternal force, Heart-mind of God, is an unquantifiable construct of energy, consciousness, cognition,

and Identity. Pure, sentient, creative force. This force expands through new manifestations of itself through it remains perpetually the same. 


Sovereignty ~  The embodiment of God's Cosmic Sovereign law and Kryst Consciousness.


Timelines ~ Simultaneous streams of experiences. these are often referred to as past or future but they are not.  they all reside in our now moment





if you have any suggestions of words you wish to have added please email me  

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